Thursday, April 26, 2007

Product - The Digital Photography Book

I was wandering around a book shop the other week and I stumbled across a great little book. It's called "The Digital Photography Book" and is written by a fellow called Scott Kelby. It's a great read, quite thin and exactly what you need to get started with digital SLR photography. It takes the scariness out of F2.8, ISO200 and other such photographic scariness.

The author has a bit of a twisted sense of hurmour, which I found quite appealing. It has lots of useful tips and tricks that are easy to remember. One classic tip was that when you're taking photos on a day when the sky is grey and miserable, his suggestion is to just don't take photos of the sky! Pretty simple, but not something you immediately think of. The whole book's like that, so I highly recommend it.

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