Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Where to next?

I'm finishing up my last week of work in sunny Singapore. After that, I'm on an extended trip that will take about 10 weeks or so. Here's the rough plan if you want to follow along...

The first trip is to Yogyakarta in Indonesia. It's a convenient place to organise trips to see the largest buddhist monument in the world, Borobudur. There's also a lot of other large temples in the area, so it's ruins as far as the eye can see!

I'm then off to the mysterious land of Myanmar, formerly known as Burma. I'll be spending a few days in the old capital of Yangon, formerly known as Rangoon. I hope not to get delayed or incarcerated, formerly known as picking on tourists.

Next, I'll be off the the island of Cebu in the Philippines. This should be a relaxing few days sitting in the sun and looking at the occasional monument or church. Nothing too stressful.

After that, it's back to Australia, via Brisbane, to visit the family in Ballina. I'll say hello, make sure they all remember what I look like, then I'll be off again, all the way back to London.

I'm in London for a week to unpack all my loot, stopping just long enough to see "The Sound of Music" at the West End before heading off again.

After London, my first stop is Las Vegas. I'll be buying an extra large Elvis inspired jump suit, ordering loads of deep fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches and convincing myself Vegas isn't at all tacky. I might even make it to the Grand Canyon.

Next, I'm off to Mexico to visit a good friend in Guadalajara. That should be a good introduction to Mexican life, with perhaps a side trip to Tequila, Acapulco or Puerto Vallarta. I hope to see the Love Boat at least once.

Next, I'm off to Mexico City. It's meant to be a great combination of heaven and hell in one convenient package. I'm looking forward to climbing up the ancient pyramids and generally gorging on historical monuments.

The final stop in Mexico is Cancun. I'm not going there for Spring Break or Girls Gone Wild, but to visit the nearby ruins at Chitzen Itza. There's a lot of other archaeological attractions in that part of the world, as well as a lot of nice beaches, so it should be fun!

My final stop is Havana, Cuba. I've always wanted to go, so this will be a great opportunity. People keep telling me to go before Fidel dies, so hopefully he'll be happily smoking a few cigars when I arrive.

After that, it's back to London in time for the height of summer, which should be a great way to readjust to European life after so long in Asia. It should be fun!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Gee.. that's a PLAN! a trip around the world and a bit more. I'm sure you'll love Vegas, I did! and make sure you make it to the grand canyon, try to book a helicopter ride, I tried to do that, but they were booked out when I was there. They have completed that semi-circle walking bridge over the canyon, should check that out, that should be pretty amazing.