Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Cebu – Carbon Market

The carbon market is a great place to wander around. It’s the largest market in Cebu and follows the usual format of these type of Asian markets. It’s chaotic, smelly and full of weird stuff!

I was the only white guy wandering around the market. By the expressions on everyone’s faces, I don’t think they get many tourists in this part of town. I can guarantee that the tour buses wouldn’t be stopping here. The people were very friendly and all said hello. Mind you, they giggled when I said hello back. I’m starting to think I’m the funniest man in Asia!

There was a wide range of stuff for sale. The part I walked through was mostly fruit and veg. There was a huge range of stuff on sale. There was the usual fruit and veg that are seen everywhere around the world, such as apples, tomatoes, cabbages, etc. There was also the full range of exotic Asian fruits. Loads of mangosteens, quite a few durians and loads of the local lime – the calamansi.

It was pretty busy when I was there. Inside the market, there were some really narrow lanes. Not wide enough for two people. Through these lanes, guys were bringing in new stock. They were bent over double carrying these massive baskets on their back. They expected you to jump out of the way, but if you didn’t, they just kept coming. It was all a bit dangerous and exciting.

I didn’t spend a great deal of time in the market, just enough to get a flavour of what it’s all about. It’s a great place to visit, but I think it would drive me nuts if I had to do my grocery shopping there every week.

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