Thursday, April 12, 2007

Bali - Kuta Beach

Kuta beach used to be a seriously popular, dude, hang out for, like you know, surfer dudes. It was an island of mystery in deepest darkest Asia which had a great beach break and friendly locals. While the locals are still friendly and the surf break is still there, the beach itself is a bit on the crap side.

There are two problems with the beach at Kuta. Two? Well, perhaps more. Basically, the water is not nice and the beach is covered in rubbish. I'll admit, I've only been there once and it might be nicer at other times of the year, but for my trip, it was pretty average.

In most places where the beach is the main attraction, a lot of effort is taken to keep the beach clean. I'm not just talking about rubbish from the beach goers, but general flotsam and jetsam from the ocean. Not at Kuta. The beach was covered in discarded water bottles, food wrappers and other man made junk. There was also huge piles of branches, leaves, sticks, coconuts and other junk lying about. It made the idea of actually going for a swim in the beach pretty unappealing.

On the other hand, it's pretty easy to see the attraction. The beach is seriously long! It stretches off into the distance from Kuta and had some pretty good waves. It's just a shame that not effort has been put in to keep it looking good.

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