Saturday, May 12, 2007

#50 - Myanmar

Myanmar is the fiftieth country I've visited. Hurrah! Crack open the champagne and canapes! It's been fun collecting all these countries and given me a hobby. So much more fun than knitting or sport!

Myanmar's a very interesting place. Towards the end of my time there, it was a real struggle to force myself out of the hotel into the crazy world of down town Yangon. It's a bit grim and I can't see things changing any time soon, which is a real shame.

I've come back to Singapore for a stop over beforce heading to ountry #51, The Philippines. It really made me appreciate Singapore. Everything is just so clean and orderly. Driving into the city, people's only concern was whether they had a fashionable hair cut or if their new shirt matches their shoes. It seems extremely removed from the people of Yangon who are just struggling to survive.

1 comment:

Annie said...

You have some pretty amazing photos of Myanmar, incredible colour contrasts of the temples and the sky.