Sunday, April 1, 2007

#12 Austria

I must admit, I'm not that fond of the neat, well run countries in the centre of western Europe. Sure, they're pretty, clean, well run and efficient, but I just don't get the same thrill from visiting them that I do when I'm in a mediterranean country. They remind me too much of Australia and everyone is too content and orderly.

I visited Austria on my bus trip around Europe. I visited Innsbruck, Salzburg and Vienna. All these cities are amazingly pretty, charming places. My highligh though, would have to be Salzburg. Being a long time fan of "The Sound of Music" (blame my parents), it was great to go on the "Sound of Music Tour". This involved a lovely Austrian lady in traditional costume taking us around the city showing us where pivotal scenes from the movie were filmed. It was great. I was the Von Trapp house (actually 2 separate houses), the gazebo where they sing "I am Sixteen, Going on Seventeen" (locked to keep out the homeless) and the church of the wedding. Simply delightful!

Vienna is also an amazing place. Like all old Empirial capitals, it has layers of grandeur piled up everywhere in the form of castles, palaces, cathedrals and public buildings.

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