Monday, April 2, 2007

#46 Indonesia

Indonesia is big. Real big. It has over 3,000 islands and is the third most populous country on earth. I've only dipped my toe into this country. My first trip was a mad dash to collect the country. I spent a weekend on Bintan island. This is an island just off the coast of Singapore. It's run by Singaporeans by Singaporeans, so there's not much that's Indonesian.

I did a "proper" visit to the country recently. I went to the Australian tourist mecca of Bali. I have mixed views about it. Kuta is an absolute cess pit. It seems to cater exclusively for chavs, bogans and bevans. Badly behaved Australians abounded. On the other hand, the interior of the island is amazingly beautiful. Full of rolling hills, mountains, rain forest, rice paddies and the occasional volcano or three. My tip is to stay in a nice resort at Nusa Dua and get a guided tour into the countryside. Avoid Kuta. It smells.

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