Sunday, April 1, 2007

#14 Switzerland

Switzerland is a very interesting place. How many other countries have "tank traps" built into all the border crossings, air fields that go into mountains and a gun or three in every person's home in case of invasion. Paranoid, but pretty.

I visited Lucerne on my bus trip around Europe. It's a perfectly lovely city. It has a lovely wooden covered bridge, majectic mountains everywhere and as many cookoo clocks and watches as you'll ever want to see.

My hot tip is to visit the "Glacier Garden" museum. Why? It has a mirror maze. That would have to be the funniest thing I've ever seen. It's so well done, that as you walk through, you have no idea what is a wall and what is a door. Queue hilarity as people smash into walls and hurt their noses. Great fun.

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